My own personal response lately to people has been "Well, someone needs to do something." I feel so snippy when I make this remark but I honestly believe it. Many walkers commit to the walk for their sisters and mothers and cousins and aunts and daughters and friends... we dream that our next generations will not NEED to continue this walk.
I read a quote recently that really hit the spot.
"How long should you try? Until." - Jim Rohn

So we'll keep trying to stick to the training schedule... until we don't feel sore anymore! We'll keep trying to reach our fundraising goal of $2,300 per walker... until we exceed and get one step closer to a cure!
Here is my own version of Frequently Asked Questions:
Where does the $2,600.00 go that you raise? Everything goes directly to the Breast Cancer 3Day. They divide it in two ways. 85% of the net proceeds benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the world’s largest and most progressive grassroots network fighting to end breast cancer. 15% of the net proceeds benefit the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, a special field of interest fund that will provide support for breast cancer initiatives including research, treatment, prevention and education.
What does "net proceeds" mean? Net proceeds is the money that is left over after expenses for the event. Each walker pays a $90 registration fee (not part of the $2,300), but that does not cover 3 days of food, supplies, tents, staff, medical supplies and fundraising promotions that are needed. If you really like to see all of the details; click here for their report card from 2008.
How much of the $2,300.00 goes to pay your travel expenses to get to San Diego? None. Travel is separate. When I did my first walk in Boston in 2007 I was very lucky to double-dip on the flight because I was traveling that week for work. This year I plan to use all of the points I've accumulated to fly to California and back. We're still working on the travel details but some of us are trying to take a little vacation at the same time so we might try picking up a few odd jobs over the next few months. :)
Where does the walk take place? There are 15 walks this year across the United States, two of the Coconutter Strutters are doing the one in MI and San Diego (MI begins at the Henry Ford and ends at Washtenaw Community College- we'll be primarily walking through Plymouth, Dearborn and Ann Arbor). This will be my first year walking San Diego, but I'm told that it's pretty much all along the Pacific Ocean. :)
How much training do you really do? Believe it or not, walking is HARD! You must train to do this walk and enjoy yourself! Each 3 Day walker receives a handbook when they register and this includes a suggested training schedule. You can choose between a 24 week and a 16 week schedule. I personally try to start with the 24 week but it is hard because that may begin when there is still snow on the ground here in Michigan. It's up to each walker to stick as close as they can to the schedule.
Here are two examples:
21 Weeks (from the San Diego walk)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 Miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 4 Miles
Friday: 30 Mins Cross Training
Saturday: 5 Miles
Sunday: 4 Miles
7 Weeks (from the MI walk)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5 Miles
Wednesday: 45 Mins of Cross Training
Thursday: 5 Miles
Friday: 45 Mins of Cross Training
Saturday: 17 Miles
Sunday: 13 Miles
I hope this helps answer some of you're questions! If you have any questions please comment below and we'll answer you in a future post.
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