
Chicago 3DAY–2012 *DAY 1*

Thank you to all of the participants of the Chicago 3Day event!  It was an honor to enjoy a little piece of the pink bubble while I went into full ‘walker stalker’ mode!  Back in 2009, there were a couple of girls that stalked San Diego and they took candid pictures along the way- I thought it was so great that I did my best at duplicating their idea.  Finding an ideal spot to take pictures and standing there from the first speedy walker to the final walker closely followed by the caboose (staff member on a bike) was amazingly MUCH HARDER than it looks!  I wish I could have talked to every single person about their story, you can see from the t-shirts and ribbons and photos and signs that journey of 60 miles is small compared to the focus and dedication that these walkers have for their family, friends and future!

Please feel free to download any of the pictures shown.  If the viewer doesn’t work above, check out http://designessa.shutterfly.com/12759
Lead Coconut
Team Coconutter Strutters


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